What is a Personal Injury?
Personal injury is legal term for any injury to the body, mind, or emotions rather than the harm done to property. Typically, the plaintiff has suffered harm to his or her body or mind through negligence, gross negligence, reckless conduct, intentional misconduct, and sometimes strict liability. A personal injury victim may be entitled to compensation for damages sustained which can include medical bills, pain and suffering, and diminished quality of life.
Types of Personal Injury Claims
Road Traffic Accidents
A traffic accident occurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road debris, or any other obstruction. Often collisions result in injury, death, or property damage.
Car Accidents
Motorcycle Accidents
Truck Accidents
Pedestrian Accidents
Work Accidents
A work-related accident that results in a personal injury claim is different than a workers’ compensation claim. For your work accident to be considered a personal injury, fault is required. For example, if you fall at work and injure yourself, that does not mean the property owner was negligent or at-fault. To receive damages for injuring yourself at work, you and your lawyer will have to prove that the other person was negligent in maintaining the property — you must prove the property owner did something wrong which resulted in your accident.
Workers’ Compensation
In a workers’ compensation case, an employee injured at work or on the job is entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Unlike a personal injury claim for a work accident, worker’s compensation has nothing to do with fault so you do not need to prove that your employer was negligent or did anything wrong. Even if you were at fault for your injury, you are still entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.
Social Security Disability
Social Security disability law consists of the rules used to decide who will qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Incomes benefits (SSI), and how much money they will receive, according to HG.org. SSDI benefits are meant for adults who become disables and unable to work for at least on year. SSI, on the other hand, is designed to help disabled people with little or no income, regardless of whether they paid into Social Security or not. You can file a disability claim on your own but your chances of getting your claim approved improve if you have a lawyer.
Slip-and-fall Accidents
A slip and fall accident is a premise liability claim — a type of personal injury claim — based on a person slipping on the premises (or property) of another and resulted in an injury. A person who is injured may be entitled to compensation from the property owner. Much like a work accident, the property owner has to be proven negligent or at fault for the plaintiff sustained injuries.
Product defect, or product liability, occurs when manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, retailers, and others make defective products available to the public. In a product liability claim, those who distributed the defective product are held responsible for the injuries sustained from those products.
Manufacturing Defect
Design Defect
Failure to warn ( or Marketing Defect)
Do you have a personal injury?
If you are facing a potential personal injury lawsuit in Louisiana, you need a team of dedicated attorneys well-versed in personal injury claims and ready to do whatever it takes to defend you before a court of law. We are here to help you rebuild your life after a personal injury occurs.
If you are in need of legal representation, don’t wait to give us a call. The team at Ron Austin Law is eager to assist, and looks forward to helping you with a speedy and effective case resolution. Give us a call today at 504-227-8100.